BE-Large Intestine
AP oblique (LPO & RPO)
((Do Both))
IR Size: 14x17 LW
SID: 40""
Page #'s: 2:164,260
Pt supine
Pt rotated 35°-45°
(Elevated flexure)
(Use sponge behind back)
CR Entrance & Angle:
_|_ 1-2"" lateral to MSP @ level of iliac crests
Best to Determine:
LPO-Right colic (hepatic) flexure, Ascending colon, Sigmoid colon
RPO-Left colic (hepatic) flexure, Descending colon
Eval Criteria:
(Could see Scottie dogs to show good rotation (45°))
Entire colon
LPO Right or RPO Left colic flexure less SI or open compared with the AP projection
LPO Ascending colon, cecum, and sigmoid colon; RPO descending colon
PA oblique (LAO & RAO)
IR Size: 14x17 LW
SID: 40""
Page #'s: 2:160,252
Pt prone
Pt rotated 35°-45°
(Usually easier for pt. than AP ob)
(Lower flexure)
CR Entrance & Angle:
_|_ 1-2"" lateral to MSP @ level of iliac crests
Best to Determine:
RAO-Right colic (hepatic) flexure, Ascending colon, Sigmoid colon
LAO-Left colic (hepatic) flexure, Descending colon, Sigmoid colon
Eval Criteria:
(Could see Scottie dogs to show good rotation (45°))
Entire colon
RAO Right or LAO Left colic flexure less SI or open compared with the PA projection
RAO Ascending colon, cecum, and sigmoid colon; LAO descending colon
IR Size: 10x12 LW
SID: 40""
Page #'s: 2:161,254
(Ventral decub - commonly used instead)
CR Entrance & Angle:
_|_ to MCP @ level of iliac crests
Best to Determine:
Rectum, Distal sigmoid colon
Eval Criteria:
Rectosigmoid area in the center of the radiograph
No rotation of the patient
SI hips and femora
Superior portion of colon not included when the rectosigmoid region is the area of interest
Ventral Decubitus
IR Size: 10x12 LW
SID: 40""
Page #'s: 2:169
See Lat
CR Entrance & Angle:
Eval Criteria:
AP or PA (Lat Decub.)
IR Size: 14x17 LW in grid holder
SID: 40""
Page #'s: 2:167,262
Lateral Decubitus with anterior or posterior surface against IR
CR Entrance & Angle:
Horizontally (Cross table) & _|_ to MSP @ level of iliac crests
Best to Determine:
Right Lat Decub-contrast filled colon, ""Up"" (medial) side of ascending colon & lateral side of descending colon (when inflated with air)
Left Lat Decub-contrast filled colon, ""Up"" (medial) side of descending colon & lateral side of ascending colon (when inflated with air)
Eval Criteria:
Area from the left colic flexure to the rectum
No rotation of the patient, as evidenced by the ribs and pelvis
For single-contrast examinations, adequate penetration of the barium; for double-contrast examinations, the airinflated portion of the colon is of primary importance and should not be overpenetrated
AP or PA oblique (upright)
IR Size: x
Page #'s: 2:170,264
CR Entrance & Angle:
Eval Criteria: